Tag Archives: circle skirt

Scottish Stuff – Part 1

23 Apr

I just landed a minor part in a local production of The Scottish Play Opera, which got me thinking about my Scottish roots.  I’m a Lindsay, which is not one of the more well known patterns (unlike Stewart or Blackwatch) but which still comes in several different variations:

There’s Lindsay Ancient:


Lindsay Hunting Ancient:


Lindsay Weathered:


Lindsay Old Colors:


Lindsay Modern:


Lindsay New Modern:


Lindsay Red Dress:


and Lindsay Blue Dress:



Clearly, my Lindsay ancestors were a color-savvy bunch.

I want to make a circle skirt & sash similar to the image below out of one of these colors, probably either Modern, New Modern, Red Dress or Blue Dress.



Tartan fabric is crazy expensive though, even for lightweight poly-viscose.  So far the cheapest I’ve seen is around $20/yard, so I may have to save up a bit first.  Ebay and Etsy aren’t helping, because they don’t seem to carry Lindsay tartans.  If anyone knows someplace I can get Lindsay tartans for under $10/yard please speak feel free to leave a comment below!